In this paper, information about Water intake as an important factor of diet.

In the pursuit of a better health state, people lose sight of water as a tool for getting better as they focus on the newest diets and pills. However, drinking is one of the most primitive, yet efficient ways of preserving one’s health. Here are the reasons why the inclusion of proper intake of water to ones diet is of immense importance.

1. Essential for Bodily Functions

It was identified that water is the most common material in the human body and it constitutes to about 60% of the total mass of the body and it is an active participant in almost all activities in the body. It plays a major role in digestion and absorption of food products, transportation of nutrients in the body and expulsion of waste products. If these processes are not crowned with an adequate intake of water, they worsen and result in various diseases.

2. Enhances Physical Performance

For the spirited persons who engage severally in sporting activities, it is important to rehydrate. It has being confirmed that dehydration has the ability of affecting the performance of energy demanding tasks; it also affects muscle strength, increases fatigue and limits the abilities of the body to regulate temperature. Water condition your muscles thus helping to prevent cramps and contractile injuries like muscle strains.

3. Supports Weight Loss

Water can be of great assistance in your weight loss plan, specifically chosen water types. It has very few calories and when taken before meals; it would assist in curbing the amount of food one would take. Sometimes, one may mistake thirst for hunger, which is likely to cause ineffitted calorie intake. Said confusion is however manageable if one drinks water regularly, which in turn will facilitate better weight control.

4. Improves Skin Health

Skin that is well supplied with water is healthy skin. Staying hydrated since water maintains skin’s elasticity, the chances of having radiant skin, free from fine lines are high. If you ensure one is always fully hydrated, then the skin stays moist, and this is a good factor to avoid skin dryness coupled with formation of flakes which are associated with the elderly.

5. Boosts Mental Clarity

The subject’s normal daily fluid intake was reduced by one-third, which means that even mild dehydration can impact cognitive performance. Reports suggested that dehydration can compromise concentration, short term memory and mood changes if one takes very little water. The ability of the human body to regulate the rate of thinking and retain focus is enhanced by taking adequate water.

6. Regulates Body Temperature

It helps regulate the body temperature and maintain a good and stable internal temperature of the body. Your body regulates its temperature by using water in such forms as sweat and respiration when the weather is hot or one has exercised. Drinking sufficient water assists the body to maintain the necessary temperature apart from preventing conditions associated with high temperatures.

Majority of health experts recommend the consumption of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day as an average adult male or female.

An individual’s ration of water can differ depending on their age, sex, weight, and the extent of their physical activity. A general rule of thumb is to drink eight 8-ounce servings of water a day; this is approximately the “8 × 8 rule.” But one must drink more if she is more active or if she resides in a hot climate.

Strategies that can be Adopted in Order to Increase Amount of Water Consumed.

Carry a Reusable Water Bottle: It may be useful to have water within arms’ length so that you could be prompted to take water now and then.

Set Reminders: Ask your phone, or download a specific app that will serve as a daily or hourly signal to take a glass of water.

Eat Water-Rich Foods: Increase consumption of foods that contain a lot of water like, cucumber, oranges, and watermelon.

Flavor Your Water:
Coffee drinker might find plain water rather dull, and this can be spiced up by adding a slice or two of lemon, lime or cucumber.

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